Home Women´s Lip Enhancement: Understanding the Variety in Fillers

Lip Enhancement: Understanding the Variety in Fillers

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Women’s lips are the object of admiration, envy, but also body shaming. Procedures that are used to model the lips are one of the most sought after, but also the most condemned. Fillers in the lips do not necessarily mean the effect of a duck beak. Lips can also be beautifully natural after treatment. Don’t you believe? But yes, it works.

Lips take years off
When other people look at you, they look first at your eyes and then at your lips. It is in these places that you can best read your age and your condition. Wrinkles around the eyes and lips, sagging skin and a general lack of freshness will immediately reveal that you are getting older or that you are not in the best time of your life. This is because it is the softest skin, on which all the signs of aging show their signs and are the first to be seen. For a more youthful appearance, women and men go to cosmetic surgeons‘ offices. Well and sparingly applied filler in and around the lips can visually turn back the years, as if you were traveling in a time machine. „The muscle in the lip begins to sag with age, you can straighten and fill it again with a filler. It’s called lip eversion,“ explains MUDr. Věra Šatánková working at the Infokrása Aesthetics clinic. „The filler must be applied in front of the muscle, only very superficially, so that the lip does not go forward, but upwards. The effect that is created is called the hockey stick effect according to the specific curvature.“ Professionally and correctly applied filler in the lips does not look like the ridiculed „duck beak“, nor does it create a „gutter“ above the lip, as the deformities are called among the public. In many cases, you don’t even recognize her. Lip modeling is the most common non-invasive aesthetic procedure also in the office of MUDr. Lucie Kalinova from the Brandeis Clinic. „Literally in a few minutes, the client leaves with lips that look healthy, are symmetrical and juicy,“ the Prague doctor explains how the natural effect should look after the application of lip fillers. During it, possible congenital asymmetries, age-sag corners are adjusted, lips are generally rejuvenated, smoothed and plumped. Their natural pigmentation will also be highlighted.

Increase yes, but harmoniously
Of course, fillings can be used to increase the volume of the lips, but even in that case they can be enviable. Madelyne Cline lips are currently among the most sought after and copied lips in the world. „By 2020, the desired ratio of the size of the upper and lower lip was 1:1.6, which is also the European golden ratio of the lip ratio. However, since 2020, the requirement has changed and women demand a 1:1 upper and lower lip size ratio, which means that the upper lip has started to be emphasized more,“ describes the change in trend, trainer Infokrása Aesthetics. But when increasing the size of the lips, the size of the nose or chin must also be taken into account. The lips have to fit their size as well. On the other hand, by enlarging the lips, you can visually correct, for example, a larger nose or an unsatisfactory chin. An experienced doctor evaluates all the proportions and adjusts them so that they are in harmony with each other and no disproportion appears on the face.

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